Nameless Namek
Character Name Ma'o |
Character Type Big Bad |
Age |
Species Demon |
Profession Retired |
Association Lone Wolf |
Character Description |
Concept Perfectionist |
Motivation Escape Hell, slay strong warriors |
Life Points 210 |
Endurance Points 86 |
Drama Points 19 |
Speed 40 |
Experience Points |
Taint Pool 245 |
Additional Actions 1 mental, 3 physical |
Trauma Threshhold 17 |
Strength 10 (+3 from Demon Quality)
Dexterity 10 (+2 from Demon Quality)
Constitution 10
Intelligence 6
Perception 7
Willpower 7
Life Points 210
Speed 40
Drama Points 19
Hyperspatial Exposure Level: 1
Age 10 (20)
Arena (Amazing) (5)
Charisma +5 (5)
Chi Mastery 11 (58)
Contacts (Sensei) (7)
Demon (Namekian) (30)
Fast Reaction Time (2)
Hard to Kill (10)
Natural Toughness (2)
Nerves of Steel (3)
Occult Library (Good) (2)
Pugilist (3)
Quick Reflexes (1)
Situational Awareness (2)
Status (2)
Wordly (4)
Enchanted Item (Beads) (25)
Adversary (Saiyajins) (5)
Mental Problems (Deranged Cruelty) (3)
Mental Problems (Mild Obsession—Hell and Saiyajins) (1)
Acrobatic Shooting (2)
Aura of Power (3)
Balance of the Cat (2)
Be Like the Water (6)
Blind Strike (2)
Chi Bolt (5)
Chi Healing (5)
Chi Punch (6)
Combat Wisdom (5)
Dragon Strike (6)
Elemental Shadow (2)
Flying Chi Kick (2)
Flying Windmill Kick (3)
Golden Bell (6)
Great Leap (1)
Hurricane of Kicks (6)
Hypnosis (Come To Me) (25)
Immortal (from Demon Quality)
Increased Taint Pool +65 (18)
Increased Life Points +90 (8) (+1 from Pugilist Quality)
Natural Armor 10 (10)
Natural Weapon (Fangs) (from Demon Quality)
Natural Weapon (Claws) (from Demon Quality)
No Pain (1)
No Shadow Kick (6)
Rain of Fists (6)
Reduced Damage (Bullets) 3 (6)
Reduced Damage (Falls) 2 (6)
Regeneration (7 Life Points per turn) (from Demon Quality)
Revivability (from Demon Quality)
Running the Gauntlet (6)
Sorcery 2 (8)
Speed of the Tiger (6)
Supernatural Senses (Insight) (5)
Super Throw (3)
Taint (5)
Telekinesis (3)
Teleportation (100 Feet) (1)
Supernatural Form (Definitely Not Human) (2)
Vulnerability (Multiple) (5)
Useful Information
Observation: d10 + 14
Initiative: +17
Appearance: +5
Armor: +10 + 4 (Bash only)
Fear: +5
Survival / KO: +27 / +27
Languages: Namekian, Abyssal, Cantonese, Celestial, Darkspeech, Draconic, English, Infernal, Japanese, and Mandarin
Acrobatics 10 |
Knowledge 7 |
Archaic Weapons 10 |
Languages 9 |
Art 3 |
Martial Arts 11 |
Barter 0 |
Notice 7 |
Computers 3 |
Occultism 8 |
Crime 5 |
Piloting 3 |
Doctor 5 |
Psychic Art 0 |
Driving / Riding 4 |
Science 6 |
Engineering 7 |
Sports 6 |
Guns 4 |
Wilderness 6 |
Influence 9 |
Wild Card (Theology) 10 |
Wild Card (The Street) 3 |
Wild Card (Trance) 8 |
The Demon King was an archetypical Archvillain, plotting the heroes’ doom, cursing the incompetence of his underlings, and doing it all with gusto and style. His main short-term goal, of course, was to escape his dimensional prison and walk freely again. If he had accomplished that goal and survived, the future would have looked like his personal demesne, with Demons taking humans as slaves.
Now, the Nameless Namek’s actually not quite as evil as one would think at first glance. It’s true that he killed his brother in a fight to the death to see who was stronger, and he did kill Stigma for unclear reasons, but other than that, he walks a very austere warrior’s path and doesn’t needlessly go around murdering, raping, and pillaging. He probably killed his brother to test the full potential and, let’s face it, killing Stigma was doing the world a favor. He likely killed Stigma because their bid for world domination was getting in the way of certain fighters, namely Walker, to realize their full potential. He’s even nice enough to not go all out on most opponents, and even walked away from the fight when he realized his opponent was terminally ill.
That said, he doesn’t go out of his way not to endanger innocent bystanders — just ask the guys in the sub who happened across him while he was training under the sea. God help you if you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time and he starts his training regiment. He’s someone who’s simply so devoted to walking the path of the consummate warrior that good and evil no longer have any meaning to him. The Nameless Namek is very much a loner, preferring to meditate and practice his martial arts and chi techniques. He is a stoic, with virtually no sense of humor and doesn't like to be bothered.
On the other hand, he is very protective of his only student left (Abby Kiiro), and shows up innumerable times to help save Abby from certain doom. He is also vengeful and will not forget an insult or slight. Because he is an exact duplicate of the original Demon King Piccolo, his appearance frightens some people. The Nameless Namek also wanted to kill Walker, but after training Abby and Hannah for a year (and battling the Orochi) he became a close friend of Walker. He still is a rival of sorts to Walker, always pushing himself to try and equal Walker's feats.
Quote: “If you must hate something, hate your destiny... As do I...”
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