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Clerics & Healers |
~*~ Healers ~*~
Anyone with healing skills, whether by medical training, first aid, spellcraft or psicraft can be a Healer. However, to claim XP, you must register with the UGoI Master Healer. Healer Registry (H####ESF2d##) must appear in your Orb of Identification ((profile)). Healers are not permitted to perform weddiings, funerals, or other rites, etc befitting the Clerical Class.
All Healing falls under three (3) categories. a) Healing, post AA; b) Healing, post major Duel; and c) Healing, life-threatening or serious injuries not related to AA or Dueling. Each category of injury is dealt with differently.
Failure is defined by a miss on all dice prior to achieving the level necessary for healing. As long as a healer is connecting on at least one die, he or she may continue to practice their art on their patient. If the healing fails to hit on at least one die, then the healing attempt has failed. If the failure occurs prior to achieving the level of healing necessary, a second healer may take over, and add his or her skill to the foundation of the first. Up to three healers may participate in the care of a patient.
Healing, Post AA - In the cast of the Assassination Attempt where either the attempt failed or the Assassin was killed in the attempt after injuring the Target, the Healer must deal with the full extent of the injury, point for point the damage inflicted by the Assassin. In other words, if the patient received 8 points of damage, then the Healer must Heal 8 points minimum. XP granted is 100. Failure grants 5 XP per healing point achieved before failure.
Healing, Post major duel - For injuries received as a result of dueling (SM, RM, HM, DM and War Matches), Healing is based on the race of the patient. ((Points to Heal = 20 for mortal/2d, 30 for demi-supernatural/3d, 40 for full supernatural/4d)). XP granted is 100. Failure grants 5 XP per healing point achieved before failure.
- Healing, Other - For life-threatening or serious injuries that are not a result of AA or Dueling, Healing is based on the personal skill of the Healer and use of dice will indicate success of his/her ministrations. XP granted is 50.
Healers may be of any alignment. Some procedures can be performed only by a Healer of Dark/Evil Alignment. Healers may also be Assassins.
Healers may team up to heal. Teams may be pairs or Teams of three (3) only.
Healers may assist in Priestly Rites of Rezz and Soul Transfer and Remove Were-Curse.
Procedure |
Granted XP |
Comments |
Healing, Post AA |
100 |
Must heal point for point damage rec'd |
Healing, Post major duel |
100 |
Healing, Other |
50 |
Births - single |
50 |
Birth Certificate is found Here. |
Births - twins+ |
75 |
Birth Certificate is found Here. |
Birth Complications |
100 |
Birth Certificate is found Here. |
Ending Pregnancy |
25 |
Not Recommended for those against this religiously |
Rezz - success |
(high dice*10) |
(See Priestly Rites below) |
Rezz - failed |
10*healer hits |
Soul Transfer - success |
375 |
(See Priestly Rites below) |
Soul Transfer - failed |
10*healer hits |
Remove Were-Curse - success |
375 |
(See Priestly Rites below) |
Remove Were-Curse - failed |
10*healer hits |
~*~ Priest(ess)-Healers ~*~
Clerics or Priest(ess)-healers are spellcasters of divine magic. Clerics may be of any alignment as appropriate to the individual deity. They may be Paladin, Shaman, Priest(ess), Cleric, Druid, etc. Clerics may also be Assassin if appropriate to the individual diety. However, to claim XP, you must register with the UGoI Master Healer. Cleric Registry (C####ESF2d##) must appear in your Orb of Identification ((profile)). Clerics use the same experience table BattleDice is based on. Clerics are both Healers and Holy people and therefore may Heal as well as perform weddings, funerals and other rites appropriate to their class.
Ceremonies / Divine Rites |
Granted XP |
Comment |
Baptism, Christening, etc |
50 |
Birth Certificate is found Here. |
Blessing |
25 |
Burial, Funeral, Last Rites |
100 |
Counseling, Confession, Etc. |
50 |
Curse |
25 |
Not Recommended for those of Light/Good Alignment |
Divorce |
50 |
Marriage |
5,000 |
Basic Script is found Here. |
Misc Rites & Ceremonies |
25+ |
XP at Discretion of TPC Master Healer |
Removal of Minor Curse |
10*healer hits |
Must hit for 5 points |
Removal of Major Curse |
15*healer hits |
Must hit for 25 points |
Sermons |
50 |
Stopping a DM |
100 |
Settling an HM w/o the duel |
100 |
Rezzing |
~*~ Resurrection (Rezz) ~*~
Resurrection is a Rite granted the dead as long as certain conditions have been met. The patient is usually dead by their own hand (suicide), or as a result of War, Assassination (AA), Duel to Death resulting from an AA, or Duel to the Death (DM) as long as the Winner has granted Rezz to the Loser. Resurrection does not apply if the DM was between Highlander Immortals as there is nothing left to Rezz after the Quickening, without specific storylines discussed with the forum president.
For a Resurrection, a Priest and Healer must both be present for preform such, the numbers to succeed are drawn below for such. The Resurrecting priest is allowed two, and only two attempts to succeed at this. Failure means they may not be allowed to preform a rezz upon the deceased for the rest of such a day.
A Death Record is not required to obtain a Rezz.
~Rezz Success Chart~
2d20 -- 2d29 10 |
3d20 -- 3d29 15 |
4d20 -- 4d29 20 |
2d30 -- 2d39 12 |
3d30 -- 3d39 18 |
4d30 -- 4d39 24 |
2d40 -- 2d49 14 |
3d40 -- 3d49 21 |
4d40 -- 4d49 28 |
2d50 -- 2d59 16 |
3d50 -- 3d59 24 |
4d50 -- 4d59 32 |
2d60 -- 2d69 18 |
3d60 -- 3d69 27 |
4d60 -- 4d59 36 |
2d70 -- 2d79 20 |
3d70 -- 3d79 30 |
4d70 -- 4d79 40 |
2d80 -- 2d89 22 |
3d80 -- 3d89 33 |
4d80 -- 4d89 44 |
2d90 -- 2d99 24 |
3d90 -- 3d99 36 |
4d90 -- 4d99 48 |
2d100+ 26 |
3d100+ 39 |
4d100+ 52 |
- The Rezz Team is comprised of up to three (3) Clerics and Healers. There must be at least one (1) Cleric and the Team must include a minimum of two (2) members. At least two (2) members of the Team must achieve a minimum of 5 points and the Team together must hit the total points without Team Failure.
- Resurrection ought to be performed on private property ((PR)) and there needs to be either a Proctor or an independent Witness unrelated to the Patient.
- Procedure: All need to Log. Proctor or highest ranking Cleric must begin the record.
- Each participant states name, Healer or Cleric registration number, and dice.
- Each round, the order is lowest ranking Healer or Cleric first, then increasing ranks. After the Healer or Cleric performs an action, his/her roll determine the points. The Proctor or Lead Cleric will keep track of how many points have been achieved. The chart below tells what are required for success. Two members must achieve at least 5 points. Member failure is a miss on all dice; should that occur, the member can no longer affect the Resurrection.
- Should all members of the Team fail before the number is reached, the Rite must be started over. XP on a failed Rezz is 10 times the individual hits before failure.
- XP on a successful Rezz is Target's High Dice x's 10.
Ryan Moonstar: ~~LOG ON~~~
RavenLark2: Rezz Attempt 1 on "Elric" 11-21-99
Ryan Moonstar: NCoR 4d70 healer~~"Ryan Moonstar"
Ryan Moonstar: Reg# HPP000
RavenLark2: UGoI 4d81 Priestess ~ Raven Lark DeLore
RavenLark2: Reg number #np00813PO2
Ryan Moonstar: ::holds his hands over Elric body and chants as his hands go
white with power::
Ryan Moonstar: ::countinues to chants ::
Ryan Moonstar: ::closes elric wounds::
OnlineHost: Ryan Moonstar rolled 4 70-sided dice: 63 68 43 3
Ryan Moonstar: 27-Total of Roll by Ryan Moonstar
OnlineHost: RavenLark2 rolled 4 80-sided dice: 2 1 57 26
Ryan Moonstar: 12-Total of Roll by RavenLark2
Ryan Moonstar: 39/40 rezz failed
Ryan Moonstar: ::countinues to chants::
RavenLark2: Attempt 2 on "elric" 11-21-99
Ryan Moonstar: ::continues to chant as he feels his energy healing elric::
OnlineHost: Ryan Moonstar rolled 4 70-sided dice: 24 9 65 64
Ryan Moonstar: 23-Total of Roll by Ryan Moonstar
RavenLark2: ::kneels beside Ryan as she passes her hands over Elric and
casts ##heal##::
OnlineHost: RavenLark2 rolled 4 80-sided dice: 30 14 62 58
Ryan Moonstar: 23-Total of Roll by RavenLark2
Ryan Moonstar: 46/40 Rezz suscessfull
Ryan Moonstar: ::wates as Elric returns to life
ElricuvMelnibone: ::blinks as he opens his eyes::
RavenLark2: ::stands as she looks to Ryan and looks to Elric::
RavenLark2: {{ Priestess ~~~~ Raven Lark DeLore UGoI Reg #NP00813PO2}}
Ryan Moonstar: ((HEALER~~~ RYAN Moonstar NCOR reg#
~*~ Soul Transfer ~*~
Rules for Soul Transfer (Moving a soul from one body to another, to cure vampirism or in some cases handle suicide rezzes, if that's to be allowed, which I'm iffy on). Rules on Suicides and shit will be at the bottom of this page as for soul transfer, it holds as follows: Soul Transfer grants mortality back to the Demon or the Vampire (unvamping). The Procedure is a three (3) step process: Separation of the body and Soul (actually kills the body), Cleansing the body, and Rejoining the body and Soul (Ressurection).
- The Transfer Team is comprised of two (2) Clerics and one who is either Cleric or Healer. Two members of the Team must hit for a minimum of 5 points or it is considered Team Failure.
- Soul Transfer must be performed on private property ((PR)) and there needs to be either a Proctor or an independent Witness unrelated to the Patient.
- Procedure : All need to Log. Proctor or highest ranking Cleric must begin the record.
- Each participant states name, Healer or Cleric registration number.
- The Patient must state within the Record his/her voluntary desire for mortality.
- Each round, the order is lowest ranking Healer or Cleric first, then increasing ranks. After the Healer or Cleric performs an action, his/her roll determine the points. The Proctor or Lead Cleric will keep track of how many points have been achieved. The chart below tells your success. Two members must achieve 5 points each. Member failure is a miss on all dice; should that occur, the member can no longer affect the Soul Transfer.
- Should Failure occur before 20% is reached, the Attempt failed. However, no harm to the patient. A reattempt can be made. XP is 10 times the individual hits before failure. At 20% of points, the Patient's body and Soul are separated.
- Should Failure occur between 20-35%, the Attempt failed. Patient is irrevocably Dead. No Rezz permitted. XP is 10 times the individual hits before failure. At 35 points, the Patient's body is Cleansed.
- Should Failure occur between 35% and 60%, the Attempt partly failed. Patient is dead, but a Ressurection Rite can be performed to reunite the body and Soul. XP is 10 times the individual hits before failure. At 100% of points required, the Patient is fully Transferred to Mortal.
- A successful Transfer allocates 375 XP.
~*~ For Example ~*~
XxRenkixX: ~Soul Transfer- From one
BladeESF to one Azraelle3~
XxRenkixX: ~Priest Reg. #00000001
XxRenkixX: ~4d100 UGoI/ESF/NP
XxRenkixX: ~State your Highest Set of
Dice Please BladeESF (THE one being transfered over to the new form)~
BladeESF: ~*~ 4d100 UGoI/ESF/NP Audited ~*~
XxRenkixX: ~Thank you, 28 points needed
to Suceed~
OnlineHost: XxRenkixX rolled 4 100-sided dice: 32 85 1
XxRenkixX: ~wow, 28 points on the nose, barely did it, yay for
XxRenkixX: ~This Soul Transfer was
brought to you by Renki' and all his pimp hoes, thank you and come again~
~*~ Soul Transfer Success Chart ~*~
2d20 -- 2d29 05 points |
3d20 -- 3d29 08 points |
4d20 -- 4d29 10 points |
2d30 -- 2d39 06 points |
3d30 -- 3d39 09 points |
4d30 -- 4d39 12 points |
2d40 -- 2d49 07 points |
3d40 -- 3d49 10 points |
4d40 -- 4d49 14 points |
2d50 -- 2d59 08 points |
3d50 -- 3d59 11 points |
4d50 -- 4d59 16 points |
2d60 -- 2d69 09 points |
3d60 -- 3d69 12 points |
4d60 -- 4d59 18 points |
2d70 -- 2d79 10 points |
3d70 -- 3d79 13 points |
4d70 -- 4d79 20 points |
2d80 -- 2d89 11 points |
3d80 -- 3d89 14 points |
4d80 -- 4d89 22 points |
2d90 -- 2d99 12 points |
3d90 -- 3d99 15 points |
4d90 -- 4d99 24 points |
2d100+ 15 points |
3d100+ 21 points |
4d100+ 28 points |