General Information regarding Spars and Sparring - Anyone may fight using any dice, but for the spar or battle to qualify for UGoI XP it must conform to certain conditions:
-=These conditions are applied to all
participants in a spar, regardless of their registry to this
- To earn XP, only legal dice may be used. Legal dice are
those listed in the character sheet ((profile)) which fall
within UGoI parameters. Hence 4d85 is legal but 2d150 or 5d78
would not be legal.
- Dice used can be any dice up to and including the highest dice
listed in the character sheet ((profile)) or higher if
gained by legal dice/sides sharing with a higher diced opponent.
Character sheet ((profile)) dice must be associated with a guild or forum to
be valid.
- Spars are fought either, to an Even Out based on the maximum
damage of the dice used, or to a predetermined number of rounds.
Proctor must stat whether the fight will be using Racial Outs ((20/30/40) before initiation, or it is not permitted and will invalidate
the record (Log).
- Side and Dice Sharing is encouraged. Even Dice
recommended for the SM, RM, and HM.
- SID's are discouraged (See the previous definitions).
- Self Strikes are discouraged and will invalidate some of the XP.
- In most forums, a loss in any spar or battle is worth 5 XP for the learning
experience. In this forum, as in real life, losing does not equal failure to gain knowledge (I, personally, am a 4th black belt Kenpo, and yeah, wins were sweet, but loses showed me what I was doing wrong, so I could get better). Therefore, more than a meager 5xps are handed out to those whom find themselves on the losing end, as it's simply realisitic. An invalidated spar or battle may be worth 5 XP
at the discretion of the GC or Freelance Coordinator.
- Forfeit & Substitution Policy -A Forfeiture shall
be defined as any time a participant leaves a spar and does not
return. Forfeitures may include involuntary ((punt, mun
situations)) and voluntary departure. Those who must voluntarily
depart should state "I Yield". For involuntary depatures, a
"Punt Rule" of 5 minutes is effective and considered common
courtesy; however it may be extended at the discretion of the
MS Proctor is not permitted to forfeit during the last round of battle to "give" the fight to anyone. MS Proctor
may "yield" if so desired.
- For regular spars and duels that do not require a proctor, a
forfeiture results in an incomplete battle and XP is to be
granted on the final correct score, minimum 10xp to the
remaining participant. A first round forfeiture will not be
accepted for XP.
- For mass spars and duels that require a Proctor, the Proctor
holds final authority. Terms must include forfeiture options.
Options include a time limit set for return after an involuntary
departure ((Punt Rules)), Substitution, and Removal. If a
participant departs during the first round of a MS, the Proctor
may choose to void all first round actions and restart the MS
with the corrected attack order. The Proctor should state Terms
prior to the call to "cross swords" ((Initiative)). Participants
agree to the Terms set forth by stating so in the record or by
crossing swords ((rolling for initiative)).
- Time limits for involuntary departure, more commonly
called "Punt Rules". Five (5) minutes is effective and
considered common courtesy. The duration may be extended at
the discretion of the Proctor.
- A Substitute may be obtained for the departed participant.
Both the departed participant and the Substitute freely earn
benefits/XP for how the match is finalized. This option is not
recommended for a Proctored Duel (DM, SM for life, HM, RM)
unless the Substitute is a participant's "Second".
- A Substitute acts for the departed participant, stating
prior to all actions and responses "<as NAME>". The
Substitute uses whatever Battledice the replaced member had
been using.
- A removal simply denotes the departed participant as
knocked out. This policy reflects the realistic susceptibility
for participants in a battle to be knocked unconscious for
reasons other than direct damage. Battle stress can cause
dizziness and fainting. A participant who has been removed
earns 5xp maximum. Removal policy is applicable only in MS
with 5 or more participants and is not applicable in Team
~*~ Spar ~*~
Winner ~ (Highest Dice) x's 5
Loser ~ (Point speard) x's 5
Payment: 15 gold.
XP is 5 times the highest dice involved. If the spar is forfeit, XP is granted on the last recorded score and not on the final intended score. Wounds sustained during a friendly combat may require the use of a healer, first aid kit, rest or other healing device. Eight (8) hours is the minimum amount of complete rest required to restore non-serious health conditions. Even Dice recommended.
~*~ Mass Spar ~*~
Winner ~ (Highest Dice) x's (# involved) x 5
Loser ~ (# involved) x's 5
Payment: 15 gold x's # of opponents.
~War Mass Spars are treated separately (See War Conditions).~
Wounds sustained during a friendly combat may require the use of a healer, first aid kit, rest or other healing device. Eight (8) hours is the minimum amount of complete rest required to restore non-serious health conditions.
XP is granted on 5 times (highest dice sparred) times (highest sides sparred) times Q.
Q is a number defining the total number of participants.
A Mass Spar may be fought as either the Free-For-All (FFA) or as the Team Spar (TS)
- TS may be fought with 4 or more participants in even teams. Even dice recommended. The TS is fought until only one team is left standing. XP is evenly divided among surviving Team Members only.
- TS fought with uneven teams or two against one are called handicap matches, and must be agreed upon by everyone involved, or it is illegal.
- FFA may be fought with 3 or more participants, no teams. Even Dice encouraged, Uneven Dice permitted. The FFA is fought until one participant is left standing.
- Forfeitures are not encouraged. If a participant leaves the Spar voluntarily or involuntarily prior to being put out, a substitute might be obtained to take the place of the missing participant. Substitute declares all actions as "<as SN>" and uses the appropriate power ((dice)). Otherwise, it will act as if he was put out.
- SID's are discouraged. There is no Honor Strike in the Mass Spar. The Initiative is done to determine strike order only.
- Split Attacks (s/a) are permissible for all races. Therefore you may attack and hit two or more opponents on the same move, 2d becomes 1d + 1d; 3d becomes 1d +2d, 4d may be divided 1d+3d or 2d+2d.
~*~ Slave Match ~*~
Winner ~ (Highest Dice) x's 7
Loser ~ (point spread) x's 7
(Loser is enslaved to winner for (pointspread) number of days, or until master chooses to release or grant release match)
Payment: 25 gold
~Forced Collaring (FC) is illegal in UGoI.~
Damage incurred during the SM may require to services of a Healer.
XP is 7 times the highest dice. The loser becomes a slave for 72 irl hours or 1 day per each point of the final correct pointspread, whichever is greater.
Example, Final Score 20-16, loser is slave for 4 days, XP is granted on 4 points.
If the spar is forfeit, XP is granted on the last recorded score and not on the final intended score. However, if forfeit, the loser becomes slave for 72 irl hours or 1 day per each point of the final intended score, whichever is greater.
Example, SM to 20, forfeit at 10-2, loser is slave for 18 days, XP is granted on 8 points.
The Loser of the SM becomes the Slave of the Winner and has NO rights and the only fight permitted him/her is the friendly spar, even this spar at the discretion of the owner.
The Loser must list "Slave to SN for (duration)" in his/her character sheet ((profile)).
After 72 irl hours, the Release Match (RM) may be fought or the Slave may be Freed.
Penalties for fighting an SM where the Loser does not become the true slave OR the Loser does not comply with the orb identification requirement are listed at the end of this document.
~*~ Slave Match for Life Enslavement ~*~
Winner ~ (Highest Dice) x's 15
Loser ~ (point spread) x's 15
(Loser is enslaved to winner for (pointspread) number of days, or until master chooses to release or grant release match)
Payment: 25 gold
~Fighting in a Slave Match for Life is illegal in UGoI, unless permission is attained from the Forum President.~
Damage incurred in the SM for Life may require the
services of a Healer.
XP is 15 times the highest dice. The
Loser becomes the Winner's Slave for either the lifetime of the
Slave, the lifetime of the Owner, or until Freed by the Owner or by
RM. If the match is forfeit, the XP is granted on the final recorded
score not the final intended score and the Loser is automatically
Slave to the Winner until one of the previously stated conditions is
The SM For Life must be fought on a private land
((PR)). It must be Proctored and Witnessed by at least one
neutral party outside of the combatants and the Proctor.
The Loser must state in the character sheet
"LifeSlave to SN".
Penalties for fighting an SM, or penalties where the Loser does
not become the true slave OR the Loser does not comply with the character requirement are listed at the end of this document.
~*~ Release Match ~*~
Same as a SM, save if the enslaved wins, they gain thier freedom.
~War RM treated separately (see War Conditions)~
Damage incurred in the SM for Life may require the
services of a Healer.
XP is 7 times the highest dice. The Loser is not enslaved. If the Loser is the Owner of the Slave for whom Release is being sought or the Representative of the Owner, then the Slave is Free. If the Loser is the one who challenged the Match, then the Loser may not rechallenge the Match for 72 irl hours.
~*~ Release Match for the LifeSlave ~*~
Winner ~ (Highest Dice) x's 20
Loser ~ (point spread) x's 20
Payment: 25 gold
Damage incurred may require the services of a Healer.
XP is granted on 20 times the highest dice. The Loser becomes the Standard Slave for 72 irl hours or 1 day per each point of the final correct score whichever is greater. If the Loser is the Owner of the Slave for whom Release is being sought or the Representative of the Owner, then the Slave is Free. If the Loser is the one who challenged the Match, then the Loser may not rechallenge the Match for 72 irl hours or until his/her term of Slavery is over, whichever is greater.
If the Owner chooses to use a Representative to fight for him/her, the one chosen cannot be the Slave, as the only fight permitted a slave is the Friendly Spar.
The Release Match for the LifeSlave must be fought on a private land ((PR)). It must be Proctored and Witnessed by at least one neutral party outside of the combatants and the Proctor.
The Loser must state in the orb of identification "Slave to SN for (duration)".
Penalties for the Loser who does not comply with the character sheet requirement are listed at the end of this document.
~*~ Honor Match ~*~
Winner ~ (High Dice) x's 6
Loser ~ (pointspread) x's 6
Payment: 20 gold
Damage incurred may require the services of a
XP is 6 times the highest dice.
The Honor Match or Duel should be fought on private land ((PR)). It must be Proctored and Witnessed by at least one neutral
party outside of the Combatants and the Proctor.
The Honor Match or Duel is fought over matters of
Honor. As in all duels, the one who receives the challenge may
choose time, place and weapons ((battle terms)). The one
stating the challenge, being the one with insult perceived, may
state victory terms. The Proctor's Record (Log) must include
the names and ranks of the combatants, the name and rank of the
Witness, the specific matters of Honor, battle terms and victory
terms, and the witness agreement of the combatants to these terms.
Penalties for fighting the Honor Match or Duel where
Honor is not the issue are listed at the end of this document.
~*~ Death Match ~*~
Winner ~ (High Dice) x's 15
Loser ~ Dead...duh...::shakes his head and moves on::
Payment: Life and 50 gold
~War DM treated separately (see War Conditions)~
~DM between Highlander Immortals follows this
Damage incurred by the Winner may require the
services of a Healer.
XP is 15 times the highest dice.
The Duel to the Death or Death Match should be fought on private land
((PR)) and requires the Proctor and one(1) witness per each
combatant. As in all duels, the one receiving the challenge
may declare time, place, and weapons (battle terms). Victory
terms are to the Death of one of the Combatants.
Death is irreversible unless Resurrection Rites
(Rezz) are granted to the Winner who may choose to allow his/her
opponent to be Resurrected. If Rezz has been granted,
the dead must state in its character sheet ((profile)) "Ghost"
until successful Resurrection has occurred, then must list (Rezz #)
indicating the number of times resurrected. If Rezz is denied,
then the body is dead and the character sheet must be
destroyed ((SN deletion, as
agreed to by both combatants)). There is a three day time limit
affecting when a corpse may be Resurrected by normal means. Any longer, and it must be worked out with the GC.
Twenty-four (24) irl hours are granted to the
Combatants and the Witnesses should the Proctor's Record (Log) be
challenged and for the battle to be reviewed by the Forum Commander,
should that be required.
Uneven dice and sides are permitted, as long as the
combatants agree to their use within the Proctor's Record (Log). If
there is any doubt in the Proctor's mind that the match may be
contested, it is within the
ctor's rights to declare Battle Terms
that are within UGoI convention such that the Record (Log) may be
reviewed by the Leaders. These terms include:
- Records may not be edited in any manner.
- Optional Rule: Power of weaponry may not be greater than d40. Differences in
weapons cannot be greater than 2 for d20-d29, nor can they be
greater than 3 for d30-d39. The number of weapons used must be
equal ((2d cannot fight 3d or 4d)).
- Terms must be clear and the participants must agree to them.
Terms must include type of match, conventions (forum), battle
terms (dice and out/rounds), victory terms (death, sn deletion,
slavery, etc.), restrictions (punts, strike time, etc.) and any
special requests (Rezz). The DM also requires one neutral witness.
Verbal acceptance of the Terms is preferred; however, crossing
swords (init) or the Proctor's pronouncement of Battle to begin
is acceptable.
Proctor's Record must include name, guild rank, and
dice of Participants and their witnesses, battle and victory terms,
and Rezz Rites if agreed to. Both parties must agree to the
proctor and to the terms, and if the proctor should ask if either
contests the result, their answers need recorded as well.
Resurrection Rights (Rezz) are always optional but
must be agreed to prior to the battle.
~*~ Death Match or Duel (DM) between
Highlander Immortals ~*~
In a DM between Highlander-style Immortals, the final kill
results in the effect known as The Quickening. It is difficult to
translate this effect into terms we understand here in Rhy'Din. But
it is with this effect in mind that the Immortal DM is modified
from the UGoI DM guidelines.
- An Immortal who has received a Challenge may refuse
to accept it.
- The DM's must not be held on Holy Ground.
- There must be a neutral Proctor, although this can be OOC, as there can be no IC witnesses.
- This is a "No Rezz" DM and the loser is dead with no
recourse to return, unless sanctioned by the Forum President, worked out through storyline.
- The Proctor's Record must include a statement from
each participant listing the total earned UGoI experience.
- Participants must provide the Proctor with proof of claimed
XP. Such proof may be in the form of a UGoI guild or freelance
roster or a UGoI audit slip.
- The winner earns 20% of the loser's total UGoI XP, this amount
reflects the power absorbed in the Quickening.
~*~ Intelligence, Spies & Spying ~*~
Varies with GC consent (as these xps. are pulled from the guild pool.)
Payment: Varies on same reason
XP granted for the Intelligence and
Observation Reports, is at the discretion of the GC and granted from
the guild XP bank. Reports filed with the UGoI Director of
Intelligence may be granted XP at his/her discretion.
Stolen Rosters submitted to UGoI guilds are
granted XP at the discretion of the GC from the guild XP bank.
Stolen Rosters submitted to UGoI Director of Intelligence are granted
XP at his/her discretion not to exceed the sum of 25 plus (1xp per
valid name on the roster. A valid name is a member with an
appropriate profile.)
~*~ ETC ~*~
Marrages ~ 5000 xps.
Payment: 100 gold
Assassation Attempts ~ (Target High Dice) x's 15
Payment: By contract
Resurrection ~ (Target's High Dice) x's 10
Payment: 500 gold
~*~ Experince (XP) Table ~*~
Earn the XP, gain the Skill ((dice)), then gain
the Rank
d20=0 |
d40=800 |
d60=10,000 |
d80=50,000 |
d21=10 |
d41=900 |
d61=11,000 |
d81=55,000 |
d22=20 |
d42=1,000 |
d62=12,000 |
d82=60,000 |
d23=40 |
d43=1,500 |
d63=13,000 |
d83=65,000 |
d24=60 |
d44=1,750 |
d64=14,000 |
d84=70,000 |
d25=80 |
d45=2,000 |
d65=15,000 |
d85=75,000 |
d26=100 |
d46=2,500 |
d66=16,000 |
d86=80,000 |
d27=125 |
d47=3,000 |
d67=17,000 |
d87=85,000 |
d28=150 |
d48=3,500 |
d68=18,000 |
d88=90,000 |
d29=175 |
d49=4,000 |
d69=19,000 |
d89=95,000 |
d30=200 |
d50=4,500 |
d70=20,000 |
d90=100,000 |
d31=225 |
d51=5,000 |
d71=22,500 |
d91=200,000 |
d32=275 |
d52=5,500 |
d72=25,000 |
d92=300,000 |
d33=300 |
d53=6,000 |
d73=27,500 |
d93=400,000 |
d34=350 |
d54=6,500 |
d74=30,000 |
d94=500,000 |
d35=400 |
d55=7,500 |
d75=32,500 |
d95=600,000 |
d36=450 |
d56=8,000 |
d76=35,000 |
d96=700,000 |
d37=500 |
d57=8,500 |
d77=37,500 |
d97=800,000 |
d38=600 |
d58=9,000 |
d78=40,000 |
d98=900,000 |
d39=700 |
d59=9,500 |
d79=45,000 |
d99=1,000,000 |
~*~Dice Scoring Hit Chart ~*~
01-14=0 |
30-34=4 |
50-54=8 |
70-74=12 |
90=16 |
94=20 |
98=24 |
15-19=1 |
35-39=5 |
55-59=9 |
75-79=13 |
91=17 |
95=21 |
99=25 |
20-24=2 |
40-44=6 |
60-64=10 |
80-84=14 |
92=18 |
96=22 |
100=26 |
25-29=3 |
45-49=7 |
65-69=11 |
85-89=15 |
93=19 |
97=23 |